Well this was a week of contrast, 2 key measures in one week and both an indicator of what work needs to be done.
With a slow start to the week I could see a CP20 in my horizon, if you don’t know what this is, its a way of testing current 20 min bike fitness by repeating a test of all out effort for 20mins on the turbo and taking the average watts for this time, this result can then be used for setting training interval sets and even extrapolated into race efforts for all distances. I am hesitant to advocate this 100% myself as even though Hunter and Allen are the experts, my experience is that you can train for a good CP20 when you are actually training for a CP300 (ironman distance) this doesn’t really mean a lot – but I can see the benefits of using this type of measurement to work out improvements at this effort and time.
My result, 290watts, on a computrainer that can probably equate to more on a crank based power meter but as I will be doing all of my testing on my computrainer this is definitely repeatable over the next few months. Its also not too far off where I should be after a good break from cycling.
I also did a measured race as part of the Borders League series on the Sunday, I could have done without the turbo set beforehand but a 41.07 for 9.8km wasn’t a bad start to this year, although I can certainly feel the added weight I am happy with the result. Unfortunately I think I have aggravated a foot injury so next week might be a bit of a write off.
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